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About Us



​​Study Stops was an idea that came to us when we realized that not many students knew much about the campus libraries and what they offered, and some students find that studying in the libraries can be intimidating.

We looked online for a website that included all the information we were looking for. The information we wanted was, hours and locations for the libraries on campus as well as what amenities they include for students. As for down town we wanted a website that had all the coffee shops listed, what their hours were and how student friendly they were. We however, could not find a website that included all of this.

We came up with the idea of creating a website that incorporates information on the campus libraries and on local coffee shops that students can study at. This way students can see what libraries are open on campus as well as library maps that show what is available on each level.

We also decided to include coffee shops on Mass. St. that are good places to study, if the library isn't the place for you. The map for downtown includes, several different places, the times for each and a link to their websites.







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